Sunday, June 21, 2009

Women Professors

How many female math, science or engineering teachers (high school) or professors (college) did you have in school. Well, I'd wager not many. That's because womean still earn a smaller percentage of the new PhDs in these fields than do men. More women are joining the academic ranks, but the rate of growth is still rather slow. Check out the Scientific American article Why Aren't More Women Tenured Science Professors? to read more about it and wiegh in on the topic.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

it was a lot at emory - black men is whats lacking

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Nice blog. In this article, you have discussed the women professors in college for teaching maths and science. Also I observed more womens are joining the academic ranks, but the rate of growth is very slow in PHd. Thanks for sharing the information. Apart from this article, I learned some facts about hamsters habitat which have become established as popular small house pets.

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