Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Black History Month is coming - Highlight contributions of African-American Scientists

Okay, the time is coming when students will be called upon to integrate Black History into their class courses. My one and only pet-peeve with this topic in science courses -- Everyone did a report on George Washington Carver. Now, don't get me wrong, Dr. Carver was a great man and a great Scientist. But c'mon, there are plenty of LIVING Black Scientists in the here and now.

So, if your child, younger siblings, little cousins, students, or other young people you teach mentor or are in contact with have to do such an assignment, please insist that they do a report on someone who was at least alive in or born after 1950.

To get them started give them a copy of People of Color in the Sciences: Astronomy to Zoology.
Also check out Science Spectrum Online, interviews with living Black Scientists on Delta SEE Radio, and AAAS Science Update: Spotlight on African-American Scientists.

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