Monday, January 7, 2008

Food Science, Nutritional Security, and Social Justice

Okay, I'm sharing this article from Tree Hugger : European Food Scientists are seeking acceptance with the Afronet. At the heart of most any social equity program is meeting basic needs, Maslow's as some may refer to it.

What you eat, or rather what you're able to eat has a fundamental impact on ALL other aspects regarding the quality of your life. We all are able to make comments about the quality and variety of foodstuffs available to the economically disadvantaged and disenfranchised. Cheap is important, but why are cheap and high quality mutually exclusive? Health food and organic foods are typically available in wealthier neighborhoods or specialty stores. The good news, major chains like Whole Foods and Trader Joes does accept food stamps. But why can't some of the "healthier options be made available in all grocery stores. This is about Food Justice. I've posted on this topic before, here is a refresher: Food Justice & SES.

For the activist-inclined, advocating for quality food and produce for the poor is a laudable cause....and can be done without all of the messy political stuff. Everybody has to eat. And everybody deserve quality food at an affordable price. Or at the very least, be provided the training and resources to grow their own. Yes, urban gardening is a great option and can be done. Plus, it is perfect way to introduce people to environmental issues. Environmental education, environmental justice, and social justice, all rolled up in one.

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